Friday, December 5, 2008

Welcome to MamaMLDB

I'm new. I'm a new mommy-blogger. Well, I guess I'll probably blog about some things other than being a mom, although that's the major part of my life. Not only am I a mom, but I "mother" 2 little boys during the day. So, my life consists of days with a 2, 3, and a 4 year old. I know other men and women have mor e kids, and spend their days a little more hectic than me, but I'm selfish and a little self bear with me as I use this blog to vent, tell crazy stories and just "get-away".
I worked for many years in Higher Education, and may attempt to get back into it if the right job opens up. So far, I like what I do everyday, even though there are days when I laugh and cry at the same time.
My husband is a band teacher, and tries his best to be cool while still playing video games and Dungeons and Dragons.

So, here are some topics that you can expect from me:
-The Kids
-The husband
- The family
-The neighborhood
-The house
-The world
...and anything/everything that I feel is important (or not at all important) on that day.

I plan on blogging daily, but we'll see how that goes. Doing anything daily (including showering), is a little restrictive when you have three active kids hanging around.

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